Reliable. Efficient. Durable.

High-Performance Electronic Components and Systems

We specialize in providing high-quality electronic devices and gadgets from leading brands. With our expert team and efficient delivery system, we strive to offer personalized service that meets the specific needs of each client.

Reliable. Efficient. Durable.

Our Commitment

At our company, we are committed to providing high-quality products and services that exceed the expectations of our clients. We take pride in our ability to deliver top-notch electronic devices and gadgets, along with personalized services that are designed to meet the unique needs of each of our clients.

Quality Services

Top-notch Products


Committed To Keep People Healthy & Safe

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We Follow Best Practices

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About Founders

We Are Leading Because of Our Team

Sunil Gupta


Lara Smith


John Doe


Trust and Worth

Our Clients

Reach Out to Us

At SSG Enterprise, we value your input. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Office Address

97, Off Moorland Road, G-8, Naya Nagar, Mamsa Estate,
Mumbai Central, Mumbai 400 008
Maharashtra, India

Registered Address

301,Triveni Appartment, 577, N.M. Joshi Marg,
Byculla(W), Mumbai 400027, Maharashtra, India
GST No: 27ALEPG8655L1ZM | MSME: MH19E0088081


+91 9892953372
+91 9322317808

Whar Our Clients Say


Engineering Manager

Alice Howard

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Interior Designer

Nathan Marshall

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